Länsstyrelsen IT


The IT department of Länsstyrelsen contacted Nowa when they were facing a fresh start. They needed to update their brand image in general, but especially with regard to the job market. Conceptual images, copy, videos, and an entirely new approach were needed.


Nowa assembled a team of filmmakers, photographers, copywriters, and project managers to take on the challenge. The key was to create a sense of purpose, societal benefit, and technological advancement. Länssty- relsen IT wanted to profile themselves as an employer with high-level technical challenges and a mission that brings a level of satisfaction not often found in the profession.


Against the backdrop of the extreme heat and the large number of fires that occurred in various parts of Sweden in 2018, the crisis response became the backdrop for one of the visual styles. During these fires, the IT department of the County Administrative Boards played a crucial role in ensuring effective communica- tion. The image signals action, seriousness, and problem-solving, while the technical perspective is clear.

When it came to copywriting, the focus was once again on strengthening the connection between the techni- cally advanced mission and the higher purpose of working for the greater good of society. A handful of key phrases were decided upon that clearly sends the message of what Länsstyrelsens IT-avdelning stands for.

IT med ett större perspektiv Teknikhjältar i samhällets tjänst Teknik med mål och mening

Nowa also produced testimonials, which are videos where employees talk about what it’s like to be part of the IT department of Länsstyrelsen. A total of 5 individual videos were created, which were also compiled into a general recruitment video. You can find the general video here: https://www.lansstyrelsen.se/vastra-gotaland/om-oss/jobba-hos-oss/jobba-pa-it-avdelningen.html


All in all this was a highly successful project that involved several of Nowa’s competencies, and most impor- tantly, a very satisfied customer!